Are you an undergraduate at Stirling?


Would you like to gain some experience in research, or are thinking of doing a PhD? Each year we apply for Undergraduate Research Bursaries and Summer Vacation Scholarships, providing funding for students to gain research experience. More information is available here. Or please email me.


Are you looking for a project/supervisor for your final year research dissertation? Dissertations are a great opportunity to really do some research, and each year we have students doing behavioural and electrophysiology projects in the lab. Undergraduates who know what they want to do can apply by the end of June in their third year, otherwise, they are allocated to supervisors. If you are interested in doing a project, let me know.


Would you like to take part in an experiment, for course credit or cash? There are always research experiments going on in the lab, and we are always looking for volunteers, whether it is out of interest in science, or for course credit or cash. Sign up for experiments using the Department of Psychology Experiment Management System.